Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wearing Mufflers in August

I loaded the laundry at the basement.
Then mulled whether I should return a phone that I bought spur of the moment yesterday
While I washed the dishes.
And reminded myself that I had to go back to the sink to wash the pans which I left to soak.
I opened the computer supposedly with a purpose,
But wandered to my emails
And saw a string of new mails
From my husband.
Who is sitting a few feet away from me.

It was chilly since yesterday.
I am wearing a muffler made from a shawl
From Cambodia
A gift from a former officemate.

I am made aware again of the passing planes
and the constant whirring of machines around me

It is a quiet morning
Except for all these whirring
And our clicking keyboards.

1 comment:

artemis said...

kadaam ngay kabsat?