Friday, August 01, 2008

Letter to Hotaru on Overflowing Thankfulness

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

-Galatians 2:6-7

Dear Hotaru,

There are many things that apply to me in Galatians 2:6-7, and especially in my current context. I had an essay title running in my mind even before we got here - “Yet again, in transition.” It was supposed to highlight how, yet again, my life gets to be in transition. And in a time when I feel I would like to be settled and rooted. I feel that I've had my share of moving around and seeing places and going yet again to a new environment does not excite me anymore.

But Paul's letter to the Galatians has something for me in that area – to “continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him.” I have sort of attributed the waning of my spiritual life to the many geographical moves I have made. I felt that if somehow I could live in a place for at least five years, I could find myself a good local church where I could build relationships, get involved in ministry, and grow in the faith. Here, I am reminded that I am to continue to live, to be rooted, to be built up – in Christ. I should know what that means, and I could possibly come up with a very spiritual affirmation of its significance in my life. But I use the next line in the verse to explain how the seemingly simple concept of continuing to live in Christ, being rooted and built up in him, is to me at the moment a practical mystery. “Strengthened in the faith as you were taught” - shouldn't this bring me back to my rationale of why I want to get rooted and settled down? Oh me, of little faith! So I conclude with that, and proceed to “and overflowing with thankfulness.”

At this particular time of the month, it is really hard to be thankful for me. At this time of the month, I am worried. I have been worried even before we got here. Here, I am reminded of thankfulness. I realize that I have not been very thankful lately because I have been worried.

It is so hard to be encouraged so quickly by a verse when you are struggling with faith, recognizing that you have been taught – but your faith has not been strengthened. And it is not because I moved so much, I guess. I have not taken it to myself to do my part to be rooted, to be built up, to be strengthened in faith. I have limited God to geographical comfort zones - “If I could just stay long enough in one place, I would probably have more faith.” And realize quickly how such a bad excuse it is.

I am reminded that faith can only grow when it is used. This is my little step of faith today – thankfulness. I may not be overflowing with it right now – but I'll get to that. “Count your blessings one by one...”

One by one.

You, included.



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